Introduction to Stella's Child:
2021 Accomplishments and 2022 Program Offerings
Finding a job is challenging in any culture. This challenge is only exacerbated for underprivileged
children without the means and expertise to navigate the job market. Stella’s Child has made great
strides in developing the skills, self-confidence, and abilities of underprivileged children
ages 7-21 years old. Take a look at our 2021 Outcomes:

The Job Training & Internship Program (JTI) ensures that the youth, in addition to vocational training, are fully equipped to make the most of future opportunities through supplementary training in entrepreneurship, personal finance & budgeting, office administration & management, creative thinking & problem solving, and leadership & communications. The program also includes a youth savings program to provide a mechanism for youth to begin monetary savings for their transition from high school into the workforce.
The JTI Program consists of 4-days of full-time vocational training at premiere Bali-based
businesses in the hospitality and technology sectors. The program further includes 8-hours per
week of intensive life skills programs in Business Communications, Social Intelligence, and Intercultural Emotional Intelligence.
New in 2022 will be an additional day of intensive hands-on training experience in one of the following tracks as selected by the youth based on their passions and interests:
Community Action
Fashion Design & Event Management
Collectively, this program goes a long way in developing their self-confidence, self-esteem, and business skills to enable the youth to become successful, contributing members of our society through gainful employment connections.
The program is designed to teach foundational skills needed to start and manage a business which begins with taking the youth on a journey of self-discovery to ascertain their own skills, weaknesses, like and dislikes and to coach them on how meaningful this self-discovery process is to career and life planning. The program places emphasis on product development & innovation, marketing & communications, and business ethics. It is comprised of the following components, taught by volunteer instructors and mentors with relevant expertise:
Self- Discovery
Types of Businesses
Developing a Business Plan
The Importance of Market and Financial Analysis
Presentation and Business Communications Skills
Teamwork and Leadership Skills
2022 brings the youth to Phase III of this journey where they will be launching their product in the upcoming months! After intensely working in divisions such as product design, marketing, sales, and administration, they are responsible for the day-to-day development and overall success of the brand. They are supported by a network of volunteer entrepreneurs, visionaries and experts who help them gain the fundamental knowledge, skills, and tools to build and sustain a small business. We anticipate working with the youth to then own this brand upon graduation from high school – an opportunity the youth are excited about! (and so are we!)

The First Employ(sm) program provides significant benefits to underserved youth through its training and education programs. These programs further build the self-confidence and self-esteem that the youth need to land a job after high school. With professional mentors focusing on career planning and networking skills, the youth will understand their passion, goals, and skills through self-discovery learning. This knowledge will lead them to build a better CV and excel in their interviews.
Currently we have 15 youth enrolled in an arts program where they are learning to enhance their creativity, problem solving, and teamwork skills. English classes and Skype Buddy programs are also provided to allow the youth to explore and develop their functional English language abilities to supplement their early conversational skills. These activities utilize online and offline activities and are delivered by experienced mentors in a fun and safe learning environment.